Helping your kids care for their teeth and gums on their own is one of the most important milestones of childhood. Empowering them to do this themselves not only takes some of the work off your already full plate, but it also sets them up for a lifetime of excellent oral health. If you’re wondering how to best educate them on how to floss their teeth, here are some helpful tips to get you started!
(more…)Healthy Kids Dentistry Blog
Starting to Smile: A Guide to Your Child’s First Dental Visit
November 6, 2024
As your kids grow up, they’ll have many exciting firsts – their first walk, day at school, etc. Still, their initial trip to the dentist may not seem like one of these happy milestones. A child’s first dental visit can strike many parents as stressful and even nerve-wracking. Having said that, your Silver Springs pediatric dentist can make that outing less difficult for you. Here’s a primer on what to expect from a kid’s first dental visit and how to make the appointment easier.
(more…)Saving Small Smiles: 3 Reasons an Extracted Might be Needed
October 20, 2024
One tough aspect of parenting young children is trying to help them through difficult times. When they’re scared or hurting, it’s natural to want to comfort them while teaching them the value of facing their challenges head-on.
You probably have plenty of questions if you’ve just been told that your little one needs to have one or more baby teeth extracted. After all, you don’t want to have to put your kid through any unnecessary pain or anxiety. Continue reading to learn more about 3 circumstances that might require their baby teeth to be removed so you can help walk your child through the procedure successfully!
(more…)Helping Your Child Heal After a Tooth Extraction
October 11, 2024
Does your child need a tooth extraction? Your pediatric dentist will do everything they can to help your little one stay as comfortable as possible during the procedure itself. But once the extraction is complete, it will be up to you to ensure that there aren’t any problems during the recovery process and that your child’s discomfort is properly managed. Here’s a look at some steps you can take to provide the right care for your child while they’re healing from having a tooth removed.
(more…)How Bad Can Thumb-Sucking Be for My Child’s Oral Health?
September 17, 2024
Habits such as thumb-sucking and pacifier use are normal and safe ways for young children to soothe themselves, but continuing them after a certain point of dental development can lead to oral health issues down the road. Here’s a brief guide to some of the risks of thumb-sucking and pacifier use continuing past the toddler stage as well as a few tips for helping your child grow out of their habit.
(more…)Dodge Cavities with These Three Teeth-Friendly Snacks for Kids
September 13, 2024
Children are bombarded with advertisements peddling sugary soft drinks and sticky or crunchy candies that can cause serious damage to their smiles if they are not consumed in moderation. Thankfully, there are plenty of snack options that can help your kid’s smile stay in excellent shape for life. Here’s a brief guide to a few foods your child can enjoy between meals that your pediatric dentist would approve of.
(more…)Shark Teeth Can Be Alarming in Children; Here’s What to Do if Your Kid Has a Second Row
August 17, 2024
If there’s anything everyone pretty much agrees on, it’s that sharks are cool. In addition to being awe-inspiring apex predators in many regions of the oceans, these amazingly well-adapted fish lose and grow new teeth throughout their lives with each new tooth rising from behind the old one and eventually forcing it out of place. Thankfully, adult teeth rising from behind the baby teeth isn’t usually a major issue when it happens in children. Here’s a brief guide to the “shark teeth” phenomenon in children and a few tips for best managing the situation.
(more…)Naturally Beneficial: Here’s Why Fluoride Is Safe for Children
August 13, 2024
Dentists have long regarded fluoride as “nature’s cavity fighter” due to its uncanny ability to strengthen teeth and prevent tooth decay. Fluoridation of public water supplies prevents countless cavities, allowing communities to avoid needless suffering and save large sums of money that would be spent on restorative dental work. Here’s what you should know about fluoride and how it can safely help your child maintain a healthy smile for life.
(more…)Slack Smiles: How to Pull Your Child’s Loose Tooth
July 4, 2024
Being the parent of a small child comes with many unique challenges and joys, although there is one experience that everyone seems to share. At a certain age, your little one will start to lose their baby teeth as their permanent ones begin to arrive. Some of them will likely fall out on their own, but often, a stubborn straggler will require assistance.
That said, many concerned caregivers don’t want to do anything that could harm their child’s dental health. Continue reading to learn more about what to expect when their smile evolves and how you can help them!
(more…)How Drinking Juice Affects Your Child’s Teeth
June 5, 2024
Children often enjoy drinking juice for its delicious taste, and parents appreciate its nutritional value. Fruits are packed with essential vitamins and nutrients crucial for their health. However, excessive consumption of juice can potentially harm your child’s teeth more than benefit them. Here’s how fruit juice impacts your child’s dental health and steps you can take to safeguard their smile.