How Bad Can Thumb-Sucking Be for My Child’s Oral Health?

September 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — healthykidsdentistry @ 11:38 pm
Illustration of open bite

Habits such as thumb-sucking and pacifier use are normal and safe ways for young children to soothe themselves, but continuing them after a certain point of dental development can lead to oral health issues down the road. Here’s a brief guide to some of the risks of thumb-sucking and pacifier use continuing past the toddler stage as well as a few tips for helping your child grow out of their habit.


Dodge Cavities with These Three Teeth-Friendly Snacks for Kids

September 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — healthykidsdentistry @ 11:33 pm
Fruits and veggies

Children are bombarded with advertisements peddling sugary soft drinks and sticky or crunchy candies that can cause serious damage to their smiles if they are not consumed in moderation. Thankfully, there are plenty of snack options that can help your kid’s smile stay in excellent shape for life. Here’s a brief guide to a few foods your child can enjoy between meals that your pediatric dentist would approve of.
