Are Today’s Dental X-Rays Safe for Kids?

May 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — healthykidsdentistry @ 2:59 pm
Child in dentists chair

Whether it’s serving nutritious foods, helping them earn good grades, or ensuring that your children are healthy with regularly scheduled dental and medical checkups, it’s natural to want to do everything in your power to make sure your kids thrive.

But what happens when your dentist recommends X-rays at your child’s exam? After all, you may have heard that X-rays have high levels of radiation that can stay in the body for a lifetime. Are they safe for children? Here’s what you need to know about today’s X-ray technology.

Why Does My Child Dental Need X-Rays?

X-ray imaging is currently the best way to get a clear picture of your child’s teeth and bones. They can detect abnormalities and cavities better than the naked eye, and they are a great way to monitor jaw and tooth growth.

How Often Should My Child Get X-Rays?

While there is no general rule about how often your child should be x-rayed, his or her dentist will typically recommend images be taken on an annual basis, unless there is a known issue.

Are Dental X-Rays Safe?

While X-ray technology has been around since 1896, it wasn’t widely used until the 1950s. In their inception, early X-rays employed a high level of radiation which stayed in the body permanently.

Thankfully, those days are gone, and today’s X-ray machines are a lot safer and emit a lot less radiation than your child would be exposed to in the sun. But today we have the benefit of an even newer technology: digital X-rays.

What Are Digital X-Rays?

Digital X-rays do not require developing film and are clearer and more informative than previous types. They’re ready in minutes and can be reviewed by you and your dentist immediately after capturing to instantly customize your care. Best of all, digital X-rays emit around 95 percent less radiation than traditional imaging, making them safer for you and your family.

Get Ready for Your Closeup!

If your child is scheduled for X-rays, reassure them that there’s nothing to be afraid of. The X-ray machine is very safe, and the images will not hurt. The whole process usually only takes a few minutes, and they can even see get a backstage VIP tour of the inside of their mouth when they’re ready!

About Our Practice

At Healthy Kids Dentistry in Silver Spring, we care for mouths from birth to teens. Our friendly team is here to make you and your family feel safe and healthy and are proud to offer everything from general dentistry to orthodontics.

Our services are performed on a range of technologically advanced equipment such as digital X-ray cameras, intraoral cameras, and cone beam CT scanners, all designed to deliver accurate images with minimal invasiveness.

To learn more about Healthy Kids Dentistry and schedule an appointment with our team, please visit our website or call 301-597-7552.

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