Healthy Kids Dentistry Blog

Shark Teeth Can Be Alarming in Children; Here’s What to Do if Your Kid Has a Second Row

August 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — healthykidsdentistry @ 10:16 pm
Shark breaches surface

If there’s anything everyone pretty much agrees on, it’s that sharks are cool. In addition to being awe-inspiring apex predators in many regions of the oceans, these amazingly well-adapted fish lose and grow new teeth throughout their lives with each new tooth rising from behind the old one and eventually forcing it out of place. Thankfully, adult teeth rising from behind the baby teeth isn’t usually a major issue when it happens in children. Here’s a brief guide to the “shark teeth” phenomenon in children and a few tips for best managing the situation.


Naturally Beneficial: Here’s Why Fluoride Is Safe for Children

August 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — healthykidsdentistry @ 10:10 pm
Cartoon tooth is strengthened by fluoride

Dentists have long regarded fluoride as “nature’s cavity fighter” due to its uncanny ability to strengthen teeth and prevent tooth decay. Fluoridation of public water supplies prevents countless cavities, allowing communities to avoid needless suffering and save large sums of money that would be spent on restorative dental work. Here’s what you should know about fluoride and how it can safely help your child maintain a healthy smile for life.


Slack Smiles: How to Pull Your Child’s Loose Tooth

July 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — healthykidsdentistry @ 6:10 pm
Girl with blue striped shirt holding out a lost tooth with a shocked expression

Being the parent of a small child comes with many unique challenges and joys, although there is one experience that everyone seems to share. At a certain age, your little one will start to lose their baby teeth as their permanent ones begin to arrive. Some of them will likely fall out on their own, but often, a stubborn straggler will require assistance.

That said, many concerned caregivers don’t want to do anything that could harm their child’s dental health. Continue reading to learn more about what to expect when their smile evolves and how you can help them!


How Drinking Juice Affects Your Child’s Teeth

June 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — healthykidsdentistry @ 10:51 pm
Inquisitive child drinking from a juice box

Children often enjoy drinking juice for its delicious taste, and parents appreciate its nutritional value. Fruits are packed with essential vitamins and nutrients crucial for their health. However, excessive consumption of juice can potentially harm your child’s teeth more than benefit them. Here’s how fruit juice impacts your child’s dental health and steps you can take to safeguard their smile.


Why Does My Child Have Sensitive Teeth?

May 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — healthykidsdentistry @ 3:06 pm
A little girl with sensitive teeth holding a toothbrush

As a parent, you never want to see your child in pain. So, when he or she says they’re experiencing tooth sensitivity when eating, drinking, or brushing their teeth, naturally it’s a cause for concern.

There are many things that could be causing your child’s tooth discomfort, some more serious than others. But don’t panic just yet. Here are a few common reasons why your child could be experiencing oral pain, and what you can do about it.


Are Today’s Dental X-Rays Safe for Kids?

May 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — healthykidsdentistry @ 2:59 pm
Child in dentists chair

Whether it’s serving nutritious foods, helping them earn good grades, or ensuring that your children are healthy with regularly scheduled dental and medical checkups, it’s natural to want to do everything in your power to make sure your kids thrive.

But what happens when your dentist recommends X-rays at your child’s exam? After all, you may have heard that X-rays have high levels of radiation that can stay in the body for a lifetime. Are they safe for children? Here’s what you need to know about today’s X-ray technology.


Nutrition for Young Smiles: 4 Foods That Improve Your Child’s Oral Health

April 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — healthykidsdentistry @ 7:57 am
A happy family setting up a healthy meal

As a modern parent, you likely help your kids get the nutrients a healthy body needs. That’s only natural – you want them to have strong bones, proper muscle growth, etc. Still, you may not have known that some meals can protect your children’s smiles. You should add these cuisines to your youngsters’ diet if you haven’t already. Luckily, your Silver Spring pediatric dentist can help you get started. Here are four foods that improve your child’s oral health.


Why Dentistry Toys for Kids Are a Good Idea

March 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — healthykidsdentistry @ 2:03 am
dental toys for kids

Teaching your child how to take care of their teeth is important for their oral health. Making sure they brush their teeth twice a day and floss once a day helps prevent problems. Eating healthy foods also keeps their teeth strong and healthy. It’s also important for them to see the dentist twice a year, but some kids are afraid. That’s where dentistry toys can help! They make dental visits more fun and less scary. Keep reading to find out why these toys are helpful and see some options for your child.


The History of Pediatric Dentistry

March 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — healthykidsdentistry @ 10:45 pm
child smiling and giving thumbs up while visiting pediatric dentist

Regular dental check-ups are crucial for preserving the health and beauty of our smiles. When it comes to children’s dental health, specialized care is necessary, which is where pediatric dentists play a vital role. They are experts in caring for developing smiles and ensuring optimal oral health from a young age. However, the concept of dentistry tailored specifically for children is a relatively recent development. Have you ever wondered how pediatric dentistry came to be? Join us as we delve into its origins and trace its evolution over the years to better understand its significance in children’s oral healthcare.


Pediatric Prevention: The Importance of Children’s Dental Health Month

February 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — healthykidsdentistry @ 1:03 am
Child smiling at the dentist during Children’s Dental Health Month

Children are the future, but as adults, it can be difficult to remember everything that matters in the present. That’s why February is Children’s Dental Health Month to raise awareness of pediatric dentistry and the importance of oral care! From brushing and flossing at home to regular dental checkups, children need all the same treatments adults do. If you want to learn more about the importance of Children’s Dental Health Month, read on!

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